Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Please Mr. Postman

Michelle Obama Makes the Case for Voting Trump Out:

"We have got to grab our comfortable shoes, put on our masks, pack a brown-bag dinner and maybe breakfast too, because we’ve got to be willing to stand in line all night if we have to."

You can read the entire transcript of her speech or watch it above. It’s worth your time.

Make a Plan to Vote

Below, a few resources to choose from for making quicker work of wading through the information glut:

How to Vote By Mail: This 15-minute lesson from NPR’s Life Kit Podcast on voting during the pandemic and on voting by mail, specifically is quick and clear and motivating.

Plan Your Vote: NBC News is regularly updating their Plan Your Vote site, built to help folks across the US mark their calendars and understand the particulars of mail-in and early in-person voting laws wherever they are.

Receipt and postmark deadlines for absentee ballots: In case you want to go right to the source, this list from the National Conference of State Legislatures has state by state deadlines for voting outside of polling places.

National Vote At Home Institute: The website of the National Vote at Home Institute has loads of information for anyone wanting to do more reading on voting from home generally. It also has a pretty straightforward interface for getting to the particulars of voting from home, depending on where you live.

Michelle Obama Makes the Case for Voting Trump Out

Jason Kottke, kottke.org -

Voting guide from Erin @ Reading My Tea Leaves 

image: Vincent van Gogh

Portrait of Postman Roulin, 1888

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