Friday, August 21, 2020

Let’s get out of here while there’s still hope

"Turn the ship around! " cried the crew angrily. "Turn it around! "
Ahab finally came on deck. The violent typhoon and the fire meant something completely different to him. He was more determined than ever.

"Look at that fire in the sky!" he cried, pointing to the sky in the middle of the wild storm. "That white fire leads us to the white whale! "

"No, Ahab," cried Starbuck, the rain pouring on his face, "turn the ship around or we will sail to our death!" 

He grabbed Ahab’s arm desperately and cried, "God is against you, Ahab! This voyage is doomed. It was doomed from the start. Let’s get out of here while there’s still hope.” 

Moby Dick, Melville

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